December 22, 2005 that was the day it began.... My husband and I decided to try to conceive. That's when all the advice started flowing in..... Just Stop Tryin'!!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I went for my first ultrasound yesterday. Man, I was a ball of nerves. I was on the verge of tears (nothing new) the whole time. I just wanted to see a blob and a flash (aka a baby and a heartbeat). I didn't feel this was too much to ask for considering what we have been through already this year.

So, I managed to drink 3.5 of the 5 glasses of water and guess what? Morning sickness kicked in just as I was walking out the door. I then spent the trip there guzzling 3.5 more glasses of water. I HATE WATER! By the time I get there I am feeling really bloated and dancing a little bit. M. was with me so he was my calm. Thank goodness! Thankfully I didn't have to wait long. The tech took me back and gave me the talk...I can't tell you anything. I'm not a radiologist so I'm not allowed to give you a picture or any details. Your husband can't come in. I'm telling you this so you don't think anything is wrong, I just can't tell you ANYTHING!!! My heart sank. A tear even trickled down my cheek. I did everything in my power to be able to see something. I have never actually seen an ultrasound that showed anything so I didn't really know what I was looking for but it didn't matter. She pulled the monitor closer to her and I couldn't see anything. So, my last resort, her glasses. I stared deep into her eyes but all I could see was black and blue. She caught me staring at her. I admitted it and she laughed. That's the moment she became a mother! She then explained to me that she was done, that I was her last patient, she was going on holidays and was feeling generous. She went and got M. and showed us the most adorable, cutest little blob with a flashy little heartbeat that I've ever seen!!! I love that lady!!!

So yes, I'm on cloud nine! I have a baby growing inside me and now it's my mission to keep him/her there. I love the LoveBug!

Friday, July 20, 2007

I'm out for the count....

or at least that's how I feel! This baby has got me whipped!!!! Already at 7 weeks! For the last week I have done nothing but work on my couch potato skills, well that's not exactly true, I've been sharing my time equally between the bed and the couch....equal opportunity! And, praying to the Gods that live in the sewers. With each flush I have prayed that my LoveBug is healthy, happy and enjoying stressing me out already!

I went for a doctor's appointment today. I begged for an ultrasound. I have just one wish right now, to see a heartbeat. I have been pregnant 2 times now and have yet to see anything that didn't resemble an empty jelly bean. So, my fabulous doctor made my wishes come true. I am going on Tuesday. I cried... Did I mention I'm emotional? Right there, in the office, I cried! For an ultrasound!! Well I guess I'm not afraid to use my "Mom Power". Doc also thinks I'm having a girl, he says there's just too much estrogen going on for me not to be....

To those few loyal readers that I have, I promise to try harder. I promise to try to write more often. I know one day I will regret it if I don't. Besides, I'd hate to upset the masses...I might cry!

Monday, July 2, 2007

I am sick!

That wonderful pregnancy glow is taking over. Actually it might be the fever I feel I have. My face feels like it's going to explode. I feel like crap! I'm one of those people that tries to avoid any sinus pain and pressure but I can't take anything now and I am not coping! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated....