December 22, 2005 that was the day it began.... My husband and I decided to try to conceive. That's when all the advice started flowing in..... Just Stop Tryin'!!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I went for my first ultrasound yesterday. Man, I was a ball of nerves. I was on the verge of tears (nothing new) the whole time. I just wanted to see a blob and a flash (aka a baby and a heartbeat). I didn't feel this was too much to ask for considering what we have been through already this year.

So, I managed to drink 3.5 of the 5 glasses of water and guess what? Morning sickness kicked in just as I was walking out the door. I then spent the trip there guzzling 3.5 more glasses of water. I HATE WATER! By the time I get there I am feeling really bloated and dancing a little bit. M. was with me so he was my calm. Thank goodness! Thankfully I didn't have to wait long. The tech took me back and gave me the talk...I can't tell you anything. I'm not a radiologist so I'm not allowed to give you a picture or any details. Your husband can't come in. I'm telling you this so you don't think anything is wrong, I just can't tell you ANYTHING!!! My heart sank. A tear even trickled down my cheek. I did everything in my power to be able to see something. I have never actually seen an ultrasound that showed anything so I didn't really know what I was looking for but it didn't matter. She pulled the monitor closer to her and I couldn't see anything. So, my last resort, her glasses. I stared deep into her eyes but all I could see was black and blue. She caught me staring at her. I admitted it and she laughed. That's the moment she became a mother! She then explained to me that she was done, that I was her last patient, she was going on holidays and was feeling generous. She went and got M. and showed us the most adorable, cutest little blob with a flashy little heartbeat that I've ever seen!!! I love that lady!!!

So yes, I'm on cloud nine! I have a baby growing inside me and now it's my mission to keep him/her there. I love the LoveBug!

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