December 22, 2005 that was the day it began.... My husband and I decided to try to conceive. That's when all the advice started flowing in..... Just Stop Tryin'!!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

One week...

That's me! I'm one week pregnant! If this is going to be the month we get pregnant and I started my LMP 7 days ago that would make me one week pregnant! I truly am going crazy and it's really not like me to think so positively but it's worth a try right?! You know what the best part is? We haven't even started trying yet! So, start crossing your fingers for me and let's see what happens! Just call me Mommy :)

1 comment:

Laura said...

LOL I LOVE it!!!! Its so much better to be optimistic about it all.

Congrats on being 1 week PG!! LOL