December 22, 2005 that was the day it began.... My husband and I decided to try to conceive. That's when all the advice started flowing in..... Just Stop Tryin'!!!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Tomorrow is my first appointment

I look forward to it with mixed emotions. I am so nervous!!! Unfortunately my husband can't come with me, he has to work and can't take any time off. He exhausted all his sick days with my last pregnancy. When I called to change the appointment the nurse said that it would be fine. She said that Mike wouldn't miss anything and that if he was going to take an unpaid sick day, to wait until our 18 week ultrasound. Mike is totally ok with that. I thought I was too until I found myself blubbering like an idiot this afternoon at the thought of going by myself tomorrow. I shouldn't worry about it but I keep thinking about the last time I went to see an OB. That day will always remain in my head. That was the day that I was told that my baby had failed to grow and that I was having a miscarriage. What happens if things go wrong tomorrow? What if I get the same news? What will I do by myself?

Please pray for me and our baby. I pray that everything goes fine and I walk away with some great news or at the very least, a sense of well-being.

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